About Disc Golf Charles

Home of disc golfer Charles Halliday.
PDGA #153627.
January 2023 Charles pose basket

Equipment - DiscsWhat discs do I use?

I play mostly Discraft. I love the feel of the plastic, the stamps, and the selection.
Current Bag
Axiom Tantrum x2
Discraft Venom - Z-flx x 2
Discraft Venom - ESP x 2
Discraft Force - ESP x 2
Latitude 64 Grace TS x2
Discraft Athena - Z
Discraft Athena - ESP
Discraft Raptor - 2023 TS x2
Discraft Malta - Z
Discraft Buzzz - ESP
Discraft Buzzz - Z
Discraft Buzzz SS - ESP
MVP Uplink x2
Discraft Zone OS - Test Flight
Discraft Zone - Get Freaky
Discraft Kratos - Z-flx
Discraft Luna - Z
Discraft Focus - Swirl x2

PDGA Rating of 1000

My goal with disc golf is to get to a PDGA rating of 1000. Aiming for the stars, hoping to land on the moon 🙂
https://i0.wp.com/discgolfcharles.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Screenshot-2024-10-20-at-7.40.40 PM.png?fit=855%2C248&ssl=1